A&C 200xxsQ Marine Aquarium Skimmer (Flotator)
Model 2022 with improved features
Four volute pump chamber with perfect geometry and tunnel grate provide maximum flow turbulence suppression, stability and high performance.
Tube-less suction and water exit from the bottom of the skimmer.
Original flap adjustment
Hybrid impeller.
Eight chamber muffler – “sound loop” integrated in the neck.
Minimal dimensions.
Pump with remote control.
JABAO MDP 3500 28w pump.
Air suction 1200l/h,
water circulation 2500l/h,
power consumption 28w,
height 42cm.
Water level in the sump 16-17 cm,
required installation space 22x22xH43cm
Method of equipment selection
Skimmer (flotator) – the main element of water filtration in the marine aquarium, thanks to its work it becomes possible to remove most of the protein before its decomposition and transfer to nitrates and phosphates, maintaining which at a low level is so necessary for the life and growth of marine life.
The main task of the aquarist at the stage of designing a marine aqua system to be able to correctly select the skimmer. The main parameter on which the selection is carried out is the volume of suction air (l / h) Based on our own years of experience in designing and maintaining marine aquariums, we adhere to the following methodology – suction should not be less than one liter of air per liter of water volume of the aquarium, in densely populated aquariums we bring the ratio to two liters of air ….
It is also important to consider the ease of maintenance, the level of sound and vibration, power consumption, reliability, etc.